Goals & Activities

Otis School Commitee

Goals and Activities


GOAL #1 - COMMUNICATION: Ensure that all Beech Hill School stakeholder groups (students, parents, staff, and Otis and Mariaville community members) are informed about school activities, programs, policies, budget issues, etc. in a timely, transparent, and accurate manner.

Proposed Activities

• Provide Stakeholders with up-to-date and easily accessible information on the BHS web site – BHS calendar of events,

Minutes from all school committee meetings, school policies, newsletters, student achievement info, BHS Goals, etc.;

• Post information on dates of upcoming School Committee meetings on Otis Town Office Bulletin Board;

• Create and distribute BHS Newsletters in at least a monthly manner;

• Provide stakeholders with specific information on BHS programs, activities, policies, budget issues, etc.;

• Superintendent and School Committee members meet with Otis Selectpersons on a quarterly basis to discuss school

related issues – budgets, capital improvements, etc.;

• Create opportunities for two-way dialogue between Otis/Mariaville community members and Otis

superintendent/school committee.

Goal #2 - STUDENT LEARNING: Ensure that BHS students are progressing in meeting or exceeding local and state standards and expectations for learning.

Proposed Activities

• Compile and analyze information on student achievement and learning in the content areas of ELA, Math, Science,

and in other identified areas;

• Create BHS Goals and Action Plan for improving student learning and teacher practice;

• Post information on student achievement on BHS website;

• Identify and provide resources, policies, procedures for supporting BHS Goals and Action Plans.

GOAL #3 – PROGRAM EFFICIENCY: Ensure that all funds are used in an efficient manner for supporting school programs and the operation of the Beech Hill School.

Proposed Activities

• School Committee members will conduct reviews of school programs at monthly school committee meetings, which

may include identified content areas, Pre-Kindergarten Program, After-School Program, Gifted and Talented Program,

Title IA program, etc.;

• School Committee members will create a 5-25 year BHS Capital Improvements and Building Systems Replacement


• School committee members will review information regarding MDOE School Approval Requirements.