Beech Hill School Scholarship
The Beech Hill School Scholarship was established in 2011 to benefit high school graduates who formerly attended Beech Hill School in Otis, Maine. Each year, it is anticipated that the promoting 8th grade class from Beech Hill School will make a contribution to the Beech Hill School Scholarship Fund with some of the proceeds of their year-long fundraising efforts. When each 8th grade class later graduates high school, their available funds are disbursed equally to all eligible applicants.
Plans and funds for the Beech Hill School Scholarship were organized and collected by former Principal, Deb Metzler. She asked Otis resident, Rich Cole, to complete the organization and assume the management of an ongoing scholarship to benefit graduates of the Beech Hill School. Mariaville resident, Beth Austin, assisted in the beginning stages.
To help supplement school-based contributions, Rich approached the towns of Otis and Mariaville to ask for donations. The Beech Hill School Scholarship Fund has been added to each town’s warrant and is voted on by residents at annual town meetings. Without exception, each town has voted to contribute $1000 annually to supplement the Beech Hill School Scholarship Fund. Town-based funds are designated to benefit the former Beech Hill students who are graduating high school in the year the town funds are collected. Other outside contributors may also donate to the scholarship.
Including the scholarships being awarded to the high school Class of 2020, a total of $28,425.00 has been disbursed to 28 high school graduates who formerly attended Beech Hill School. The first class to receive the Beech Hill School Scholarship was the Beech Hill School Class of 2007, whose students graduated high school in 2011. This year, 2020, marks the 10th anniversary of the awarding of Beech Hill School Scholarships!
The original school based funding, and subsequent class fundraising efforts, had the scholarship funds being exhausted with the high school Class of 2015. The Beech Hill School and towns of Otis and Mariaville have agreed to continue contributing funds to keep the Beech Hill School Scholarship established. To help support our especially small promoting classes’ contributions to the Fund, several other groups plan to make annual donations beginning the 2015-2016 school year. These include the Beech Hill School Teachers/Staff ($250), Student Council ($250), and PTC group ($250).
Students are eligible for this scholarship if they are continuing their education beyond high school, attended Beech Hill School for one full year, and were also promoted from Beech Hill School during their 8th grade year. Eligible students may request information, including an application, from the Beech Hill School front office, website (, scholarship coordinator Rich Cole (852-6639), or their high school guidance office. Completed applications should be mailed to Rich Cole (address located on application) by May 1st annually.
Beech Hill School Scholarship funds will be awarded to students once they provide documentation of enrollment in a post-secondary education program. Rich will provide Principal Nichole Pothier with a list of students who are awarded scholarship funds each year, so that this information may be shared with members of the Beech Hill School community.
Updated: 5/17/20