Health & Wellness

Here's some important information about bringing and administering medications: 

• Students are required to store any medicine (including cough drops and medicated lip balm) in our office. 

• In order for our staff to disperse any type of over-the-counter medication, we require written parental request.  (See our Administrative Assistant, Keely Markevich, for this form.)

• Prescribed medication must also be accompanied by a written order from a student’s physician, medical practitioner, or dentist. 

• The physician’s form, which includes a clear explanation of what is required, is available from our school nurse, Carol Jordan. 

Thank you for your cooperation with these practices.   


Students must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.  Please refer (below) to the NASN guidelines for keeping a sick child at home.  Also, students who are absent or dismissed early (due to illness or for an unexcused absence/dismissal) may not participate in after school activities.

Also in regard to student wellness, we want to remind families that students are not permitted to use the microwave at lunch time.  By putting this protocol in place, we have eliminated the risk of serious injury from unsafely heating items, opening containers with heated food, and handling and transporting hot items to seats.