About Us
Beech Hill School, home of the Bucks, is a PreK-8 school in Otis, Maine. It is an independent school that serves the communities of Otis and Mariaville. Located on Route 180, Beech Hill School has about 100 students and 20 staff members. It is surrounded by several ponds and blueberry fields in beautiful Hancock County.
Our mission at Beech Hill School is to provide students with opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, and personal qualities to be successful learners, workers, and citizens in our rapidly changing world.
We are a community school with a focus on teaching and learning that is supportive, challenging, and meaningful.
School Spirit & Pride Days
The last Tuesday of every month is a special day for our school community. It’s our SCHOOL SPIRIT & PRIDE DAY! On these days, students and staff (and visitors!) are invited to wear green and white or their favorite Beech Hill School spirit wear to show their school pride. On each SCHOOL SPIRIT & PRIDE DAY, our Student Council leads an afternoon assembly to promote an event, emphasize a message, recognize sports teams and/or appreciate the work of an individual or group. During this time, they also celebrate birthdays of the month and hold a “green card” prize drawing. Green cards are awarded to individual students who display respect, responsibility, caring, and honesty throughout the school year. Show your school pride by wearing green and white and/or Beech Hill gear every last Tuesday of the month!